Friday, October 25, 2013

Abdominal massage...demystified.

Some of you may be wondering what happens when you come for session with me. Although your session could involve abdominal massage, deep tissue massage, nutrition counseling, a trip to the local coop to do a shopping tour, I get the most nervous reaction when I tell people that I do abdominal massage. 

I hear things like, "oh, i won't even let my husband touch my belly", or "wow, that's a sensitive place to  have touched" or "noone has touched my belly in years!" or "ooh does that hurt?"

So, my intention with this blog post is to de-mystify the subject of abdominal massage, otherwise known as Chi Nei Tsang [pronounced 'chee nay t-sang']. 

Clothing:  The work is done with your clothes on. I have a delicious warming pad on my massage table that helps keep you cozy and blankets for extra warmth. I may fold your top so that your belly is exposed, but nothing else. I ask that you wear comfortable pants with an elastic or tie waist, so that the edge can be folded down to below your belly button and you feel no constrictions. I can also work through a thin layer of clothing. 

The treatment: We may start with some belly breathing exercises to reestablish this healthy pattern that we naturally do as babies, but forget to do as adults. Then, I assess your belly, feel for constrictions and tight spots, and work those as needed. You and I check in about pressure and areas that feel tender. This is more of a gentle kneading experience, rather than a poking experience. There may be some mild discomfort, however, you are encouraged to tell me so I can make sure I do my best to have you feel safe and comfortable on the table.  

Much of the treatment is between your chin and hip bones. In this area, I am able to work on your small & large intestine, the liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys, heart and lungs. I may also work on acupressure points related to the abdomen on your arms, hands, legs, feet, head and face. During the 1st treatment I will you some of what i'm doing and finding and teach you some tools so you can work on yourself at home.  I do less talking during follow up treatments. 

What might come up for you: Some people feel anxious at first, but relax once the work is underway. Sometimes emotions come up. I welcome that. You can express as you desire. Yes, some gas might move. That's ok. We have an air purifier in the room to help cleanse the space. You might fall asleep. That's a sign that your body really needed the work and the rest. You can ask questions too, i'll answer as best as I can. I do, however, encourage you to really take in the treatment and be as in your body, as opposed to your head, as possible. 

Goals: The fundamental goals of this treatment are that you walk out feeling more in touch with your body, particularly the center of your body, you feel more relaxed, more spacious, you are able to breathe more deeply, and constrictions have softened. I give you some tools that you can use at home to work on yourself.  The effects beyond that vary from person to person. 

24-48 hours after treatment: It's important that you drink plenty of water over the next day or two after your treatment. Chi Nei Tsang can be detoxifying and its important that you have enough water to carry those toxins out of your body. You may experience some tenderness in your abdomen from things shifting around. That is normal and should resolve within 24-48 hours. If not, of course give a call.

Hopefully that helps you understand what to expect from an abdominal massage appointment. Email me if you have any other questions:

Here's to your health,

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